Sunday, February 12, 2012



I am beginning a reading blog. What follows is my justification:

  1. With the conclusion of graduate school, I have discovered that I can consume enormous amounts (of text) in relatively short periods of time. Probably because I am not reading process/apophatic/phenomenological theology anymore. God, what a misguided attempt at life that was, Masters in Theology, ha-ha-ha.
  2. My current job not only encourages me to read copiously, but allows me access to all sorts of new books that have not yet been published. I'm also living well below the poverty line. So at best your jealously can be ambivalent.
  3. I enjoy writing. I used to have another blog,, but that blog reached its logical conclusion last year. Coalesque was an experimental blog I used to track my depression. 
  4. I don't have enough friends in Chicago to start a book club.
Why you should read what I have to say:
  1. I was clever enough to think of a good angle. Judging a book by its - title. Have you noticed how books used to have strictly descriptive titles? War & Peace. Crime & Punishment. Jane Eyre. Frankenstein. A Tale of Two Cities. Etc. The last few (21st c) books I read were titled: Skippy Dies. A Naked Singularity. Broken Irish. Why Be Happy When You Could Be Normal. Titling things is interesting, now. Like a tiny little poem, synecdoche, of the whole.  
  2. Generally, I have good taste. 
  3. Probably, we're already friends.
Commence, Genre, Generic - - -

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