Thursday, February 16, 2012

Author's Take: Sergio De La Pava on titling A Naked Singularity

My first review on this site was for the magnificent A Naked Singularity by Sergio De La Pava. As part of this blog, I want to, in addition to providing my (convoluted, hopelessly verbose) interpretation of the title, give the ultimately more interesting perspective from the author. Mr. De La Pava was kind enough to share with me his thought process:
"The title?  I first heard the phrase in an undergrad Physics class (the kind you take when you find theoretical physics metaphorically rich but don't want to [can't] do high-level math) and it stuck for whatever reason some things stick.  I guess it's good since although I'm currently sick to tears of it, it took a while.  Best ever?  Everything That Rises Must Converge; that's not being topped anytime soon."
You see what I mean about him being funny? Kudos to you, Sergio, not only for taking physics classes, but also for the accurately high estimation of Flannery O'Connor. (I studied her exhaustively in grad school - for a tenth of her talent I'd sell my soul)

"that's not being topped anytime soon."

Among O'Connor's other brilliant titles (short stories included): "The Lame Shall Enter First," "Parker's Back" (read it to get it), "The Life You Save May Be Your Own" (I maintain it inspired this song) and of course, the cultural landmark "A Good Man is Hard to Find" (indubitably inspired this one).

A Naked Singularity is due out May 2012. We've already received a few special orders for it at the bookstore. Plan accordingly.

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